Tuesday, April 21, 2009


I don't know how to make this picture bigger. I seriously stink at this blogging thing.

Steve, Fred, Baby C, Christina, and Me

This past Sunday we went down to San Diego for one of my best friend's baby's blessing. It was a beautiful day and I'm so glad we went. She is a darling little girl with the cutest chubby legs and arms, and she even fell asleep in my arms! I really miss my friends Mercedes and Christina, so it was a great day for me because we all were there.


snooky0024 said...

Her name is Clementine! I don't want people to think I named her Christina :)

Jaclyn said...

ha! sorry, I was just trying to be private!

BENVANA said...

Ah, you all look great! i miss you guys too! Glad to see everyone is doing well, and congrats to Christina on the cute little baby