Obviously the best feature of our new
home: the walk in closet -- I only took
a picture of my side, because if you
know Steve at all, you can imagine
that his side is pretty bare (which
means, of course, plenty of space
for me to "grow" into!)
The master bedroom -- biggest room we've ever
lived in the past 9 months of marriage and
4 moves. I am sooo glad I don't have to move
anywhere for a long time. I didn't take a picture
of the guest room (it's empty)or the 2 bathrooms,
but I promise, they're there.
It's your basic small apt layout -- front door
enters into front room, blends into kitchen/
dining area -- buy hey -- We've got granite
counter tops -- Who could ask for anything more??
(actually, granite's not my cup of tea, but the
color actually is pretty cool)
Front room -- I'm so glad I finally get to blog
about my couches . Let me just say that I
LOVE LOVE LOVE them -- they have character,
they're super comfortable, and they were
FREE! (hand-me-downs, thanks to Steve's
brother) Steve wants to get new ones, but I've
gotten attached.
We love our new home -- it's our first big
purchase together as a married couple,
and it feels so right. We feel very
blessed and fortunate that we could do this
right now. For those who know us, and without
getting too specific, we live very close to the
movie theater on my parents' side of town.
So, yes, we'll be members of the ward I grew
up in for a while. Weird, but we really like it
already :)